Moonlight Diner

Things Aren't Always What They Seem

    It was during the lunch rush when she entered the diner. A girl in a leather coat and a beanie went unnoticed among the hustle and bustle of the busy diner. She sat down at the bar, plopping her dufflebag at her feet. She brushed the dust off her coat, and ordered a coffee with milk and sugar. She took out a notebook and started furiously writing, hunching over the book as she did. ​The din of the restaurant had faded to a soft murmur as most of the people had left. The girl still sat writing, pausing every so often to take a bit of her sandwich or a sip of her coffee. In the kitchen, the waitresses discussed the young girl. The diner’s main clientele were regulars. A stranger was not unheard of but was something to be discussed.
    “What is she writing so furiously?” Flo asked peeking out of the window at the girl.
    “Looked to me like a letter,” Savannah replied, popping her gum. “When I was servin’ her, I saw a dear David at the top.
    “David? Ten bucks she’s a runaway bride.” Flo said.
    “She’s far too young!” Maggie remarked shaking her head.
    “Back in Georgia,” Savannah spoke up, flicking her blonde ringlets over her shoulder. “We got married by eighteen.”
    “Couldn’t find someone to put up with you?” Flo smirked to which Savannah gave a little huff.
    “I had many beaus I’ll have you know,” she stated before leaving the kitchen.    
    “I’m still saying runaway bride,” Flo said to Maggie. Maggie once again shook her head.
    “I bet you’re wrong.”
    “You’re on,” Flo grinned and shook the older woman’s hand.

    “Howdy miss,” the sudden voice started the young woman so much she nearly ran a line through her paper. She turned to see a young, handsome blonde man with a plaid shirt, cowboy hat, and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.”
    “It’s all right,” she replied.
    “Writin’ quite furiously there.”
    “Name’s Joshua,” he stuck out his hand.
    “Alex,” she said hesitantly shaking his hand.
    “Might fine pleasure,” he smiled widely.
    “Hey Joshua,” came a singsong voice. Alex and Joshua turned to see Savannah.
    “Afternoon Miss Savannah, lookin’ pretty as always.”
    “Such a flatterer,” Savannah giggled.
    “Mama always said flattery put the world at your feet.”
    “Smart woman, want the usual?”
    “Yes’m thank ya darlin’.” Savannah flounced away and Joshua turned his piercing eyes onto Alex.
    “Haven’t seen ya round here,” he said.
    “Not from here,” Alex replied trying to go back to her writing.
    “Where ya from?”
    “Not from here.”
    “Closed book ain’t ya?”
    “Did you want something?” Alex snapped.
    “Just wanted to chat, ya looked like ya needed to talk somethin’ out.”
    “Well I don’t.”
    “Alrighty then,” Joshua shrugged. Savannah brought him his food and Joshua started to eat.
    ​Alex and Joshua sat next to each other in silence before Alex spoke.
    “I ran away,” she found herself saying.
    “My boyfriend David.”
    “Let’s just say he wasn’t right for me.” Joshua got quiet.
    “Did he hurt ya?” Alex froze, and didn’t respond. Joshua’s face grew angry. “How badly?” He was quiet, which was more frightening. Alex silently moved her sleeves up to show several bruises and cuts on her arms. She paused and then moved her scarf to show her neck. There was a lot of bruising, it was so bad you could still almost see the hands wrapped around her throat. Joshua’s face turned red as he tried to control his anger. “Does he know ya left?”
    “Yes, I’ve been gone for a few days now.”
    “Do you think he’ll come after ya?”
    “Yes,” Alex whispered, “and he will kill me.”
    “I’ll protect ya,” Joshua said taking her hand. It was if a spell was broken and Alex pulled back.
    “How did you get me to talk? I didn’t want to talk.”
    “Maybe ya just felt comfortable, I make people feel at ease.”
    “I haven’t felt at ease for a while.”
    “Let me help ya,” Joshua said earnestly.
    “I have a soft spot for damsels in distress.” Joshua once again reached for her hand, and this time Alex allowed it.

    The two started to talk about love, life, and everything. They talked for a while until Alex realized the sun was starting to go down. She jumped up, causing Joshua to do the same.
    “I have to go.”
    “Wait, what?”
    “I need to go, I’ve stayed here for too long, he’s going to find me,” Alex started to throw on her outer layers.
    “I’ll drive ya wherever ya want to go,” Joshua replied.
    “No, no, I won’t get you involved. You’re just going to get hurt.”
    “I’m already involved, I won’t just abandon you now.”
    “He’s going to kill you,” Alex whispered, her eyes pleading with him.
    “I won’t let him,” Joshua squeezed her hand.
    Before either one of them could realize what was happening, a tall man with dark hair ripped Alex away from Joshua. The man’s face was contorted with anger.
    “What the hell are you doing Alexandra?”
    “Get off me David,” Alex spat. “I’m not going to be bothered by you anymore.”
    “Who is this?” David asked gesturing to Joshua.
    “None of your concern, let me go!”
    “Not likely, we’re going.”
    “She’s not going anywhere with ya,” Joshua said stepping forward.
    “She’s not your concern,” David scoffed.
    “Actually, she is. I won’t let ya hurt her anymore.”
    “You won’t let me?” David laughed, shoving Joshua with his free hand. “You couldn’t handle me cowboy.”
    “Wanna bet?” Joshua swung, and his punch landed on David’s jaw. David dropped Alex’s arm and lunged at Joshua. A fist fight ensued as Alex dove for her dufflebag. She was rummaging in it when David managed to get his hands around Joshua’s neck. Alex panicked and looked harder. Joshua’s face was turning blue as he was unable to breathe. Alex found what she was looking for and ran at David. She raised her weapon, a wooden stake, high above her head.
    “See you in hell, you bastard,” she said plunging the stake through his heart. David let out a screech and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
    Alex dropped to her knees to kneel at Joshua’s side.
    “Are you ok? I’m so sorry. I didn’t…” Alex fumbled over her words at a loss for how to explain what just happened.
    “Ya failed to mention he was a vampire,” Joshua said sitting up. Alex looked at him, her mouth agape.
    “You know about them?”
    “Everyone does,” Alex looked around the room, the few remaining customers looked unfazed by the encounter.
    “I don’t…”
    “Are ya ok?”
    “Yes, he didn’t hurt me,” Alex gently turned Joshua’s face to examine his neck. “You’re hurt.”
    “It ain’t that bad,” Joshua said softly. “It was worth it to keep ya safe.”
    “Flatterer,” Alex said smiling before lightly kissing him. “Thank you.”
    “My pleasure.”
    “Now I really should go,” Alex said standing. Joshua’s face fell, but he tried to cover it.
    “Have more vampires chasing after you?”
    “No,” Alex said smiling. “I need a drink, care to join me?” Joshua broke out into a grin and stood.
    “I’d love to,” he grabbed Alex’s duffle bag and then the two walked out hand in hand.

    In the kitchen, Maggie had a small smile.
    “I love a good start to a romance.”
    “It’s disgustin’” Savannah grumbled.
    “I believe you owe me ten bucks,” Maggie said to Flo. Flo grumbled and handed over a ten-dollar bill.
    “Stupid vampires, it’s always vampires.”
    “No, last week it was werewolves. I’m still finding fur in the booths.” Maggie replied.
    “Only in Aurora,” Flo laughed.

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